Elk Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana Tutorial

Getting millions of downloads in 2020, ELK is a thriving log management platform built to ease the business complexities. It enables businesses to aggregate logs, analyze, visualize, and have a better understanding of data. ELK is a broad term comprising Elasticsearch, Logstash & Kibana, that have various functionalities. In short, ELK is designed to take data from any source to analyze and visualize in real-time.

The elasticsearch, Logstash, & Kibana are managed and maintained by the Elastic company. While many of its partners provide consulting & managing services helping businesses, enterprises & organizations to have a strong grasp over their data. The main work of each component is

  • E: The E stands for elasticsearch, also known as ES, to store & manage logs.
  • L: The L stands for Logstash, used to collect, parse, and transform logs.
  • K: The K is for Kibana, a visualization tool used for log & time-series analytics.

These open-source components are designed to help business data analytic problems by integrating with each other. But why is ELK thriving? How do these components work, and useful for every business? In this blog, you will get answers to all your questions helping you to move forward without any hassles.

Brief ELK Elasticsearch Tutorial

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The ELK starts with Elasticsearch, which is hyper popular amongst users. It is basically an open-source, distributed, JSON-based search engine. It is built with RESTful APIs, initially released in 2010 with its initial version. Elasticsearch is a NoSQL database, which means you can’t use SQL to query data.

However, unlike most of the NoSQL databases, Elasticsearch focuses on search features & capabilities, enabling users to search for data without any hurdles. With context to data analysis, Elasticsearch is considered the primary component used with Logstash & Kibana for data indexing & storage. But how does it provide benefits? Let’s see below.

Features of Elasticsearch

The Elasticsearch consist of various features designed to help users in various perspectives. The top features of Elasticsearch include:

  • Powerful Text-Search Engine- This allows users to perform & combine various types of searches, including structured, non-structured, geo, metrics, etc.
  • Disturbed Architecture- Allowing users to scale Elasticsearch to various servers accommodating petabytes of data effectively.
  • Well-Documented APIs– The powerful and capable APIs enables developers to integrate data without any hassles. Benefiting users to aim at visualization, analysis, data exploration via various tools.

Elasticsearch Installation

Elasticsearch installation isn’t a complicated process for tech-savvy people. You will require JAVA 8 (recommended: Oracle JDK version 1.8.0_131). Ensure that your system is on an Elastic support matrix to get rid of future consequences. Also, many companies like Qavi Technologies offer elastic search installation services that enable you to get rid of installation hassles.

You can also watch this YouTube tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EnvkPf7t6Y&t=10s&ab_channel=edureka%21  to get the best understanding of ELK Elasticsearch.

Brief Kibana Tutorial

Kibana is the last but the essential component in the ELK. Without kibana, you may find it challenging to visualize Elasticsearch documents and get quick analysis through insights. It is basically an open-source data visualization dashboard that provides a wide range of features that enables users to create intuitive dashboards.

It is also a helping component in the Elasticsearch cluster, providing visualization capabilities on the top of the content indexed.

Features of Kibana

Kibana consists of powerful & easy to use features that enable users to search, interact, and view data stored in directories. The key features of Kibana include

  • Powerful Front-End Dashboard- Helping users to visualize easily
  • Configurable Dashboards- Enabling users to slice & dice logstash logs
  • Various Search Types- Helps users to perform searches on data as per their choice.

Kibana Installation

If you are running hosted Elasticsearch Services, then accessing Kibana requires just a single click. However, if you are willing to install Kibana yourself, you need a 64-bid system, either Linux or Windows.

You can even watch this YouTube tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQ1c1uILyKI&ab_channel=edureka%21 to know more about Kibana.


Say No to Complication- Get Started Quickly 

If you are still unsure regarding moving to ELK Elasticsearch, Logstash, or Kibana, then you should connect with a certified Elasticsearch expert. It enables you to successfully shift to these ultra-modern platforms and enable you to move forward without any hassles.

You can connect with Qavi Technologies, a reputable & recognized name in the industry that offers flexible ELK stack services to help you with the installation, configuration, and management process.

Wasim Asif, a certified Elasticsearch expert of Qavi Technologies, has been helping clients for over 15 years and is capable of resolving almost all your complications effectively.

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