Long Awaited Sphinx 3.0 is here and its awesome

Finally long awaited Sphinx 3.0 is here. Its a major major rewrite of Sphinx and comes with tons of new features. Here is quick summary of new features I like most

  1. Store complete documents into Sphinx – No need to query external source to get document data
  2. More and more support for JSON.
  3. 64 bit doc ids – 32 bit ids are removed
  4. Better SphinxQL
  5. Create indices from SphinxQL (manually writing config files are still an option). No need to provide config file when starting searchd.
  6.  Smaller index size and faster searches.

We are still playing with new release and will keep updating on more features. You can grab release from http://sphinxsearch.com/downloads/current/. The complete documentation is not published yet and its sill pointing to 2.x but you can get the info required from doc/sphinx3.html file which is included in release.

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